Well it's taken a while, but at last I have scrapped the lovely day out I had in London with Alana (Gingerscraps). We had a great day, we walked miles and miles in circles (it didn't help that I left the map in the pub) and had fantastic Italian ice cream.
Week 771 - Winner & Top 5 Passionista
7 hours ago
I love the internet, it's great getting to know people who share your passions. The pebbles are indeed lovely!
ReplyDeleteLove your paperbag album, too.
This is great, such pretty colours :)
ReplyDeleteI hope you are able to do it again soon :)
ReplyDeleteAhh, bless you Ally at taking all the blame on us walking for miles...but it didn't help that I thought I knew where we were going! Brilliant day, lots of laughs, looking forward to the next. Lovely layout, love the soft green tones and indeed the pebbles are lovely.